Wisconsin Focus on Energy Residential Programs

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Wisconsin's statewide energy efficiency and renewable energy program, Focus on Energy, helps consumers understand how their actions impact energy usage in the state. Funded by ratepayers through a "public benefits" charge, the program aims to encourage energy efficiency and use of renewable energy, enhance the environment, and ensure the future supply of energy for Wisconsin. Launched in 2001, Focus on Energy needed to increase awareness and participation in its diverse programs - including an entire suite of ENERGY STAR Programs. Focus on Energy uses the tagline "the power is within you" with the logo and creates materials that help people understand that every Wisconsin citizen can impact the state's energy usage. The program leverages the already substantial recognition and awareness of ENERGY STAR, created both by previous Wisconsin-based efforts and as a result of national initiatives, and connects Focus on Energy to the ENERGY STAR." Since 2001, more than 28,000 ENERGY STAR qualified appliances and 1 million ENERGY STAR compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) have been purchased through the program. A K-12 Energy Education Program (KEEP) has helped 29 schools raise over $15,000 by selling 7,500 CFLs. In all, the Focus on Energy Residential Programs have saved Wisconsin residents over 110,680,045 kWh and 1,665,225 therms of energy.